Pyrolysis of Waste

Produce Oil Fast With A Small Tire Recycling Plant

The small tire recycling plant allows you to make tons of oil quickly and in smaller spaces. Even though this machine is small, it can produce a ton of oil quickly so you end up getting the results you are looking for. This plant is a great investment in your business and it helps you produce all of the oil you need with no problems. The plant is very affordable and it is the type of machine that will work hard for you so you can get a lot of work done. The small tyre recycling plant is a great investment in any business.

Quick Shipment of Small Tire Recycling Plant
Quick Shipment of Small Tire Recycling Plant

This plant has a lot of features that make it very easy to use. The plant takes waste tires and converts them into oil by heating them to a very high temperature in a technique called pyrolysis. You can make all of the oil you want with the machine and the oil is top quality as well. The oil is easy to sell and it can be used to run machines, heat things, and can even be refined and turned into gasoline.

The small tire recycling plant is designed to use the latest technology to process the tires. The machine is designed to run efficiently and it also recycles energy so you don’t spend as much money using it it and heating it. The plant stays cool because the reactor has two layers. This ensures that the plant is cool to the touch and that your worker has a comfortable working environment when they use this machine. They won’t get too hot or get burned when they are working with it. Know the cost estimate there

The machine has a special auto-feeder that advances the tires into the reactor. The tires must be shredded before they go into the machine and they also have to be dry or else the process will not work properly.

Final Products Generated from Small Tyre Recycling Plant
Final Products Generated from Small Tyre Recycling Plant

When you are buying a small tire recycling plant you have to make sure that it is large enough for your needs. Though the machine is small it can still produce a lot of oil so you need to make sure that the machine will produce all of the oil that you need it to produce. There are some photos for you to view

One of the best ways to ensure that you get the machine you want is to work with the supplier. The supplier will help you choose just what you need and they will assist you through the entire buying process and with the after-sales service as well. They will also install the machine for you and train your employees so they know how to use it. The supplier will also help you with after-sales service so you don’t have to worry about any problems with the machine in the future.

The small tire recycling plant can run long time and is able to pyrolyze two furnaces of raw materials. This makes the tyre recycling plant for sale a great investment since you can leave it running for so long. When you want to improve your business and do something good for the environment invest in this machine.

Pyrolysis of Waste

¿Cuáles son los Principales Productos de la Pirólisis de Neumáticos?

La pirólisis es un proceso que implica la descomposición molecular mediante el cual las moléculas grandes se descomponen en moléculas mucho más pequeñas. Las máquinas de pirólisis son una industria que lleva a cabo la pirólisis de llantas de desecho y plásticos, mediante la cual los productos de desecho se descomponen y se separan en diferentes productos finales. Con respecto a los neumáticos y la pirólisis plástica, los polímeros de cadena larga se descomponen en pequeñas cadenas de aceite de pirólisis y gas hidrocarbonado. Un catalizador y calor es un requisito para estas reacciones.

Aquí hay una lista de los productos finales del proceso de pirólisis de neumáticos:

1. Fuel Oil

El producto de petróleo primario que se produce mediante estas aplicaciones de reciclaje se conoce como fuel oil. Este producto se usa ampliamente para fines comerciales e industriales en todo el mundo. El aceite producido a partir de desechos reciclados o llantas de desecho generalmente representa del 40 al 45% del producto final producido y generalmente se lo llevan los camiones cisterna.

2. Negro de carbón

El negro de carbón es otro producto que se recicla a través de la tecnología de pirólisis. El negro de carbón que se recicla generalmente representa del 30 al 35% del producto final producido, lo que dependerá de los tipos de neumáticos utilizados. El negro de carbón se usa como ingrediente principal o materia prima en varias industrias diferentes. La composición química del negro de carbón alarga y fortalece la resistencia general de ciertos productos, junto con la mejora de las características del color en asociación con materiales específicos.

El negro de carbón que se produce mediante la aplicación de pirólisis es mucho más económico en comparación con el negro de carbón(planta recicladora de neumáticos) que se produce principalmente a partir del petróleo y también es mucho más rentable. El negro de carbón se usa con frecuencia en estas industrias:

• Aditivos de goma

• Revestimiento de cable eléctrico

• Colorante negro para materiales de caucho.

• Cintas transportadoras

• Felpudos

• Aislamiento térmico

• Bolsas de nylon negro

• Bandas portadoras

• Productos industriales de caucho.

• Tubos de plástico

3. Alambre de acero

Todos los neumáticos contienen cables de acero que representan alrededor del 15 al 20% del peso total del neumático. El acero que está presente en estos neumáticos se desprende a través del proceso de reciclaje de la pirólisis(Beston Group). Este valioso producto final se comprime y luego se vende a distribuidores de chatarra y acero.

4. Gas

El gas producido a través del proceso de pirólisis de los neumáticos de desecho constituye entre el 5 y el 7% de los productos finales. Los gases no condensables producidos a través de estas aplicaciones de reciclaje están asociados con las siguientes características:

• El gas reciclado tiene un valor calorífico que es más alto en comparación con los gases naturales.

• Una vez almacenado de la manera correcta, este gas reciclado puede reemplazar el propano y el gas natural.

• Este gas reciclado también se utiliza como una forma de energía dentro de los quemadores de gas.

• El gas también es utilizado por el sistema de reciclaje en la pirólisis de llantas de desecho.

El gas que se genera dentro de este sistema representa del 5 al 7% del peso total de los neumáticos reciclados. Por ejemplo, si una instalación recicla 9 toneladas de llantas de desecho todos los días, pueden generar entre 1400 y 1500m de gas todos los días, lo que ofrece un potencial energético significativo para varios usos diferentes.

El proceso de pirólisis de neumáticos puede convertir los residuos en tesoros. Se adapta a las necesidades de protección ambiental y beneficios económicos. Para obtener la cotización de tal máquina, se recomienda esta página web

Pyrolysis of Waste

Pyrolysis Technology: Modern Waste Rubber Recycling Machines

With the latest pyrolysis technology, it is possible to convert waste rubber into profitable commodities by waste rubber recycling machines. The proper disposal of waste that takes a long time to decompose, such as rubber, plastics, and car tires, is essential for protecting the environment. Furthermore, with the right recycling processes, it’s possible to extract a lot of money from those resource dense waste products. Tires, for example, contain carbon black, steel wire and fuel oil. With the right equipment, it is possible to extract all of those valuable materials from scrap tires and turn a rubber waste processing facility into a profitable eco-friendly plant. Make a research about rubber recycling machine price.

Rubber Recycling Machinery
Rubber Recycling Machinery for Sale

The pyrolysis process is basically just thermal decomposition. Waste materials are heated to high temperature in chamber free from oxygen. Since there is no oxygen, the raw materials vapourize rather than burn. Oil of varying viscosities can be liquified from the vapor using water-cooled condensers. There are many benefits to waste rubber pyrolysis plants including no combustion, no dioxin production, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

When old tires or waste rubber is incinerated, toxic gasses are produced with can cause environmental damage. It is for that reason pyrolysis processes are a much better alternative to burning when it comes to the disposable of rubber-based waste materials. Many tire scraping firms are desperate to get their hands on the newest continuous pyrolysis plant for sale, as they know it will allow them to generate large profits and earn them green points from government environmental protection schemes.

Batch Rubber Recycling Plant
Batch Rubber Recycling Plant for Sale

There are tire recycling plants in operation in multiple worldwide locations, including Brazil, Norway, Netherlands, Argentina, South Korea, China. Indonesia, Phillippines, Romania and South Africa. The largest tire graveyard is located in Sulabiya, Kuwait. The site is a potential gold mine for anyone with a waste rubber pyrolysis reactor. Fire outbreaks in landfill sites with lots of tires are common, as tires can trap methane gases.

Besides processing waste tires in a pyrolysis plant, there are many other ways in which tires can be recycled. They are commonly used in children’s adventure playgrounds, artificial sports pitches, carpet underlay, soundproof walls and more. Tires can also be used as effective flood defenses. Depending on their condition, it’s often possible to re-mold used tires to make them roadworthy. A large proportion of waste tires are burnt for fuel. The heat index value of typical tires exceeds that of common fossil fuels like coal.

If you are looking to start a tire recycling business, be sure to check out some of the newest waste rubber recycling machines to enter the marketplace. Prices are now more competitive and there are lots of global manufacturers to research. If you decide to explore overseas vendors, be sure to look for companies that offer good aftersales services. You are probably going to need professional help assembling and commissioning your plant. You also want to ensure that operator training is provided. Many manufacturers offer lifetime technical support and can even send engineers to your facility to help with installation, commissioning, operator training, and machine maintenance procedures. Go on to know the service manufacturer provides.

Pyrolysis of Waste

Top Pyrolysis Plant In The UK

A pyrolysis plant is one of the smarter investments a person can make in the UK. It is ideal for the long-term and is able to produce significant results quickly.

For those ready to make the investment, here are the pros of heading towards an option such as this one.

Crisp Results

The main point of emphasis for people has to do with whether or not the results are as crisp as they need them to be. In a situation, the real value is in going ahead with a solution that is well-detailed and is going to work professionally.

Pyrolysis Plant In The UK
Pyrolysis Plant In The UK

Seasoned Operational Features

The pyrolysis plant UK is able to deliver amazing results as soon as it is operational. This has a lot to do with the underlying features that come along with the plant.

It is able to adjust to everything that is being done and works wonders quickly.


Speed is a must when it is time to work out potential issues that arise while going through resources. For business owners looking to make the most of a pyrolysis plant, it’s best to focus on a solution that is as quick as this. It will move through the resources in a timely manner ensuring great value.

Ideal for All Settings

Most businesses are going to have an open spot for the pyrolysis plant and this is where they are going to put the plant. For making sure the results are ideal, it’s smart to go with an option such as this one. It will easily settle in and start working on handling plastic.

tyre recycling UK
Tyre recycling UK

Proven to Work

The results are what matter at the end of the day for those looking to take the next step. The results are proven to work and this shines through for those hoping to maximize their potential while handling plastic on a daily basis. Related blog:


A lot of stress is put on these plants and they need to be able to handle those rigorous conditions at all time. For those in a situation such as this, it makes sense to move forward with a solution that is as safe as possible. It is able to make things easier for those hoping to put the plant into place and then think about other things. Running an operational facility is going to take a bit of time but this is one of the more important investments that have to be made properly. This is the only way to get things down as soon as one wants them to.

Look into going with an option that is as consistent as this. It’s the only way to feel confident in how things will play out and whether or not it’s going to be in line with what you are after.

The right pyrolysis plant in the UK ( is going to be one that is able to pass every single test and lead to a solution that is worthwhile. It is going to work well and will remain safe at the same time.

Pyrolysis of Waste

Investing In A Pyrolysis Plant For Recycling Waste Tyres

Does making money from waste tyres sound interesting to you? If so, you might want to consider starting a business in the tyre recycling pyrolysis plant industry. Unlike many other types of businesses, a tyre recycling plant can generate profits year-round, and it helps to save the environment at the same time. With the right machinery, you can turn waste tyres into markable fuel oil via the pyrolysis process.

Waste tyres can be very difficult to break down, and they can cause a lot of problems to the surroundings when they are disposed of irresponsibly. By investing in the best continuous pyrolysis plant and starting a waste tyre recycling business, you can not only make a lot of money, but you can also help to safeguard the natural environment. Waste tyres are a big problem in many cities around the world, so you should have no problem sourcing raw materials to keep your business in operation 24 hours a day. That’s also why there are more and more pyrolysis plant manufacturers in china now.

Continuous Pyrolysis Plant
Continuous Pyrolysis Plant Design

What Is A Tyre Pyrolysis Plant?

A tyre pyrolysis plant is a machine that turns old tyres into fuel oil, black carbon, and steel. There are two different types of pyrolysis reactors: rotary and horizontal. A plant with a rotary reactor can process 6 to 16 tons of tyres each day, while a horizontal reactor has a daily capacity of up to 24 tons. A plant with a rotary reactor is known as a semi-continuous pyrolysis plant, while a plant with a horizontal reactor is referred to as a continuous pyrolysis plant. The type of plant you choose to buy for your tyre recycling business will depend on both your budget and production rate requirements.

End Products From A Waste Tyre Pyrolysis Plant

During the process of pyrolysis, waste tyres are converted into useful products by high temperatures in an oxygen-absent environment. The end products have many uses and have high commercial value. The four main end products are outlined below:

Tire Pyrolysis Plant Cost
Waste Tyre Pyrolysis Plant

Fuel Oil: The fuel oil that is produced by a tyre pyrolysis plant can be sold directly to industries like power plants, cement factories, and the food production sector. It can also be put through a distillation machine and refined into diesel and gasoline, which have high market values. You can find more useful information about the uses of fuel oil now.

Steel Wire: The steel wire produced has a high monetary value. It can be sold to steel factories where it will be turned into steel bars and steel and iron rods.

Carbon Black: When putting through a grinder, carbon black can be converted into high-quality black carbon powder, or activated carbon, which has a high value. With briquetting equipment, it is also possible to turn the carbon black into carbon blocks, which can be sold for enhanced profits.

Combustible Gases: Some of the combustible gases produced can be used as fuel to reheat the continuous pyrolysis plant reactor reducing a plant’s running costs. The gases can also be sold to other industries.

Since the above-said products have large commercial values, so you tire pyrolysis plant cost will be worth at the last.

Hopefully, the information presented above has prompted you to think about investing in the waste tyre recycling industry and learn more about continuous pyrolysis plants.

Pyrolysis of Waste

Improve Garbage Processing Efficiency With An Automatic Waste Sorting Machine

An automatic waste sorting machine utilizes various components and sorting techniques to separate plastics, metals, organic matter, rubber, stones, bricks, glass and other materials from mixed garbage with maximum efficiency. It can be used to improve recycling rates inside a waste processing disposal facility and thus reduce the amount of waste sent to non-environmentally friendly landfill and seafill sites. The main reason to invest in such automatic waste segregation machines is that it allows you to extract the maximum amount of profit from municipal waste. Get the egg tray making machine for sale to reuse paper waste.

Automatic Waste Segregation Machines
Qualified Beston Automatic Waste Segregation Machines for Sale

Applications Of Automatic Waste Sorting Machine Final Products

Organic matter is used to generate biogas via a fermentation system. Alternatively, it can be formulated into a rich soil fertilizer for the agricultural sector. Waste plastic materials can be crushed, cleaned and packaged using a plastic recycling machine. Plastic waste, like rubber waste, can also be processed in a pyrolysis machine and converted into carbon black and fuel oil, which are valuable commodities. If you are interested in this machine, get waste recycling plant costs here.

Inorganic materials like broken glass, stones, bricks, and sand can be used to manufacture construction bricks using the best block making machines. Many MSW treatment plants have brick production lines onsite to process sorted inorganic waste immediately. Among the waste, biomass waste can be recycled to energy, like charcoal, pellet fuel. Use pelletising machine to make pellet.

Textile materials and other combustible items can be utilized in a gasification plant. Meanwhile, carbon-rich organic matter, such as straw, coconut shells and palm kernels can be processed into charcoal blocks.

Automatic Waste Sorting Machines
Beston Automatic Waste Sorting Machines for Sale

Metal waste is sold directly to iron and steel factories, where it can be easily smelted and reformed into need rods and blocks. PET plastic bottles can be reprocessed into fibers for pillow filling and bolster cushions.

Automatic Operation

Many components are working in unison in an automatic waste sorting machine including a conveyor belt system, uniform distribution machine, PLC programmable control unit, etc. The advantages of a fully automatic machine are that facility owners can save lots of money on manual labor costs and the risk of human errors is eliminated. Waste recycling facilities can enjoy increased efficiencies and processing rates when using automatic waste sorting machines, which means they can take on more clients and grow their waste processing businesses. See the waste to energy project here – egg tray making machine Turkey. There is a huge amount of money to be made in the waste recycling industry, as cities all around the world are forever struggling to cope with the increasing quantities of garbage that needs to be disposed on each day.

The great thing about some of the top-rated automatic waste segregation machine models is that they have integrated advanced odor control systems. This means that the workshop environment remains toxin-free and employees’ health is protected. What more, the fully sealed system ensures that no toxic pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere. The environmentally friendly credentials of MSW treatment plant sorting equipment are what make the equipment so popular with many customers.

There is a growing worldwide market for the best fully automatic waste sorting machines, yet prices from many manufacturers still remain competitive. You can avail of some great deals by looking for MSW treatment plants for sale online. Most supplier export around the globe. Click BestonMachinery.Com to get a reasonable model.

Pyrolysis of Waste

How To Find Affordable Waste Tyre Pyrolysis Plant for Sale

The waste tire pyrolysis plant is a great investment in your business. You can easily find what you need when you have one of these plants and you can make a lot of money from the oil that the machine produces. This machine gives you many ways to make oil and the machine is very easy to use. You can quickly use the machine to make oil and the oil is going to be easy to use and easy to sell.

Tyre Pyrolysis Plant
Pyrolysis Tyre Recycling Plant

The plant is a great investment in your business and it is something you want to use when you are in the recycling business. This plant takes a lot of tires out of the landfills and makes it easy to turn it into oil. The oil is going to be easy to use and you can quickly sell it or even process it and refine it into gasoline. The pyrolysis plant price is also very important for your consideration.

The tires are easy to find and they are also cheap. You can often get them for free. The tyre oil extraction machine heats the tires to a very high temperature and turns them into oil. The oil is easy to process and it can be sold for a lot of money. The oil is just what you need when you want to get a lot of work done and it can help you make more money.

When you are working with the tires it is important that you shred the tires before they go into the pyrolysis tyre recycling plant. The tires have to be shredded and you need to make sure that the moisture content is below 15 percent when you use the machine. It helps to invest in a dryer and shredder that will make it a lot easier to use the machine and keep up with what needs to be done.

Tyre Pyrolysis Plant
Beston Tyre Pyrolysis Plant

The machine is super easy to use and it can produce a lot of oil from waste tires. You get to use the tires and do something useful with them which is good for the environment. The machine is a great investment and it will help you get a lot more done. This machine is a great investment and you can get a lot done with it.

The rubber pyrolysis plant can work with a variety of waste rubber. Once you find the machine you want to use you can go ahead and make the investment.

This machine is a great investment and you can get a lot done with it. The machine is reliable and it runs cool. You won’t have to worry about the machine getting too hot and being dangerous. The machine can help you in a variety of ways and it is a great investment when you want to make more money and do more things. Bestongroup Henan Machinery can definitely help you with your investment. You need to decide which machine you want to use because there are a lot of different machine sizes that you can choose from. You have to take your time and look for the size that is going to fit your needs the best.

Pyrolysis of Waste

How Does A Continuous Pyrolysis Plant Work

The continuous pyrolysis plant is the best pyrolysis plant you can buy. This plant doesn’t need frequent stops to cool the reactor which means it can run 24 hours a day without stopping. This plant can make you the most money since you don’t need to keep stopping it. The plant can transform many different types of waste materials including oil sludge, tires, and more.

The The machine takes many different kinds of waste and turns it into something that can be used in a variety of ways. The plant basically takes the trash and turns it into treasure.

Continuous Pyrolysis Plant to the Philippines
Continuous Pyrolysis Plant to the Philippines

The carbon black or oil that the plant produces is easy to sell. It can be used for many things. The charcoal is used for heating and cooking. Charcoal can also be used in fertilizer and to make paint. The oil is used to run machinery and it can be processed again and turned into gasoline.

It doesn’t make any sense to let all of the waste end up in the landfills. It is a much better idea to recycle the waste and turn it into something useful. The plant itself is eco-friendly and produces very little waste. The heat is recycled and contained. The machine is also very affordable to run. The pyrolysis oil plant doesn’t use a lot of fuel and the way the heating chamber is set up you can expect a fast and efficient process. In this way, the pyrolysis plant price will be much more affordable.

Design of Pyrolysis Plant
Design of Pyrolysis Plant

It is very important to pretreat the materials before they enter the machine. The materials need to be broken up into smaller pieces and the moisture content can’t be more than 15 percent. Once these criteria are met the machine is going to run long and hard.

The continuous pyrolysis machine can run for 24 hours a day and you never need to stop and cool the reactor down. If you are processing a lot of waste you should probably invest in a tire shredder machine that will shred the tires. You also need a dryer if the materials are too wet.

When you are ready to operate the machine you just have to feed the materials into the machine and seal the door. The machine runs on multiple power sources including gas and wood. The materials will heat up and at a certain point, they turn into oil or carbon black. If you are running a tire pyrolysis plant, you can also get steel wire. The materials can be sold for a profit and they can also be processed more. The machine comes in multiple sizes and the size you choose will depend on how much charcoal you plan on making.

It is also possible to have the plant customized for your specific needs. The plant is compact and it can fit into most spaces. The plant is competitively priced and it will pay for itself quickly since you can sell the carbon black. The machine provides you with a safe way to get a lot of waste materials out of the landfills.

Pyrolysis of Waste

Tyre Recycling Machine for Sale: Output Products and Features

You’ll be surprised to know that a tyre recycling machine for sale can recycle waste tyres into fuel oil. As well as helping you solve the issue of environment protection, the plant lets you transform waste into wealth. The tyre recycling machine for sale adopts the most modern technique to convert waste tyres into fuel. With maximum working efficiency, the plant lets you get rid of worn out tyres lying around your place.

Waste and worn out tyres are hard to break down in a short time-frame. As a result, a huge number of used tyres pile up, taking up a lot of space. The good news is it’s now possible to recycle used tyres in a beneficial method. As well as doing away with the waste, you get to generate substantial income with this sophisticated machine.

tyre recycling machine for sale
tyre recycling machine for sale

Final products obtained from tyre recycling machines

The tire recycling machine has the capability to generate fuel oil, steel wire, combustible gas, and carbon black from disposed off tyres. All these products have higher usage and commercial value.

Fuel oil

It could be used as a fuel for power plant, iron factory, restaurant, and cement factory. You may also reprocess the fuel into gasoline or diesel through distillation machines. By doing so, you stand a great chance of reaping huge profits.

Carbon black

With the use of a carbon black grinding machine, you can reprocess it into quality carbon of higher value. You can also make carbon bricks with the briquetting machine and earn more.

Steel wire

Steel wire has varied usage. Consequently, it carries a higher monetary value. You can directly sell it in the market and fetch big money.

Combustible gas

Combustible gas is supposed to be one of the priciest fuels. It could be used as a fuel for reheating the reactor.

Benefits of the tyre recycling equipment

The benefits that originate from this modern plant are varied and limitless. Let’s assess some of the important ones.

Quality production

The equipment is made with top-quality spare parts. As a result, the production quality is best. Whether it’s fuel, carbon or steel wire, you can be sure that the end products will be of higher value. Click here to know more:

The plant adopts automatic welding (submerged arc) technology as well as non-destructive testing to ensure seamless production. Most importantly, the components of the machine have better resistance to higher temperature and corrosion, ensuring uninterrupted production cycles.


When it comes to machines, safety is imperative. You can’t overlook safety for production. However, the tyre recycling equipment comes with some of the best safety features. High temperature as well as sealed slagging system ensures that no dust flies in the production area. Also, the small design of the furnace door renders better stability and safety. Other safety devices that can avoid possible hazards include pressure gauges, emergency vent valves, thermometers, explosion protection devices, vacuum pumps, and water seals.

Waste Tire Recycling Process
Waste Tire Recycling Process

Higher output

The modern plant overcomes the drawbacks of non-continuous production and low yield associated with older plants. Compared to older models, the output capacity of the modern plant is pretty high. Also, the speed and efficiency of the plant are also higher. The raw materials could be processed faster, yielding more fuel oil in a shorter time-frame.


Any machine that’s used for heavy duty purposes is exposed to constant damages and wear and tear. As a businessman, you may end up expending plenty of money to keep the machine in good working condition. However, the tyre pyrolysis plant warrants very little maintenance. This, in turn, reduces your production cost, leading to better profitability.


Not to mention, the waste tyre recycling machine is environment friendly too. First of all, it allows you to do away with waste tyres lying around. As well as freeing up space, the usage of tyres avoids accumulation of still water that could be a safe haven for mold growth and other diseases. Also, the machine doesn’t smoke out any harmful elements into the environment during the production process.

Closing thoughts

A tyre recycling machine for sale is a wonderful set of equipment for using waste tyres to generate products of higher value. Higher profits, low maintenance, stability and safety, environmental friendliness, and higher output are the best features of this recycling machine. Owing to these benefits, many businesses choose to buy this plant.

Pyrolysis of Waste

How Does Waste Tyre To Oil Plant Work?

As the automotive industry continues to grow, so does the number of tyres that are left in the trash and in landfills around the world. This accumulation of waste tyres that are discarded has resulted in tremendous environmental pollution. Fortunately, a tyre to oil plant that has been disposed of waste tyres in a manner that is not only environmentally friendly but will also be profitable to the industry.

Waste tyres can be transformed into oil, carbon black, and steel wire. This transformation occurs in tire oil plants. These tyre pyrolysis plants from Beston Machinery have also been transported and used throughout the entire world including South Africa, Hungary, the United Kingdom, Nigeria, Romania, and Brazil.

Tyre Oil Plant to South Africa
Tyre Oil Plant to South Africa

Pyrolysis Technology

The process to change waste tyres to oil occurs through a technology known as advanced pyrolysis. This technology allows waste tyres to be converted into resources that are useful by a high heat temperature setting. Once the entire pyrolysis process is complete, the finished products are waste tyre oil, steel wire, and carbon black. Each one of these end products has a variety of applications.

Waste tyre oil has several applications. It can be used for burning by acting as an industrial fuel material. Waste tyre oil can also be used in providing relief in an energy crisis. Finally, waste tyre oil can be refined into either gasoline or diesel, and it can be utilized in machines that have low-speed engines such as digging machines, loading machines, and road rollers.

Steel wire has one primary application. It can be used to make iron rod or steel. In addition, it can also be used in reprocessing.

Carbon black is often used as fuel, but it can also be made into construction bricks. This byproduct of waste tyres can also be transformed into briquettes or pellets that can be burned. It also has a unique feature in that it can be processed even further to make cable jackets and pipes.

Various End Products of Tyre Pyrolysis Plant
Various End Products of Tyre Pyrolysis Plant

Steps To Increasing Oil Production Efficiency

When compared to the more traditional condensers, the condenser that is used in tyre recycling machine is tubular. This allows the area to offer the oil more cooling. When the oil has a better cooling effect, it can produce a higher yield.

A special catalyst can be provided that will improve both the color and flavor of the oil. In addition, it will also increase the reaction speed. This means that the typical amount of an oil yield can easily increase by up to 5%.

Continuous pyrolysis plants in operation produce oil yields that are higher than a batch operating tyre to oil plant. These types of plants can be either fully continuous or semi-continuous plants. You can decide which one is the best one for your needs.

What Are The Main Components Of A Waste Tyre To Oil Plant?

The main part of the oil plant is the reactor. This is where waste tyres are processed.

Outside of the reactor is the casing. This is a device that helps keep the reactor warm and can also help save oil materials.

A waste tyre to oil plant is essential for helping the environment. By utilizing these parts into new products, we can all reduce our carbon footprint.

If you are looking for a tyre pyrolysis machine for sale, you can contact Beston Group for more details.